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To find out the balance on Aroma cards, enter the number on the card, to the left of the hyphen

?What is it


  • balance: 400 NIS
  • validity: 23/10/2023


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Website Terms and Conditions

Dear customers,

Aroma is proud to launch an updated and redesigned website. This website contains information about the “Aroma espresso bar” café chain, its branches and various products sold there (hence, “Aroma” or “the chain”). Use of the website is subject to the terms detailed in this document, and the instructions of the law. We highly recommend reading the Conditions, since the use of and activity on the website serve as consent to the Terms of Use, with no limitation or refrain.

The Aroma Israel chain has operated in Israel for many years, excluding the municipal area of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. As of 2022 we are pleased to report that we are undergoing a process of merging Aroma Tel Aviv operations into Aroma. These regulations and the information on the website (for instance, nutritional values) refer only to the activity of branches in the Aroma chain, and does not apply to the Aroma Tel Aviv branches. We hope this process will be concluded soon. The exact and updated list of branches can be found at this link

Website Content

  1. The website contains various kinds of information in different formats that might change from time to time (hence, “the contents”).
  2. Links to external websites on the website are meant as a service for website users. Aroma is not responsible for the linked sites, their content, their quality of service, or figures and data presented there. The link is not sufficient to attest to its quality or the reliability of its content.
  3. The design or appearance of the products described or presented on the website, including any image or product imaging included on the website, are for illustrative purposes only unless otherwise stated.
  4. The website is offered to the public as is. The information and content on the website are based on lab tests, surveys or nutritional calculations provided to us by third parties and are therefore not the responsibility of Aroma. Aroma makes considerable efforts to keep the information updated and precise, but it is possible the information will be incomplete or flawed. Aroma is not responsible for any inaccuracies or mistakes regarding this information.

Website Management

  1. The website and its content are open for your use, as is.
  2. Aroma maintains the right to change or update the website from time to time, in any way, including content and/or design changes, link removal and any other change, without advance notice, including blocking various locations, restricting access, removing parts of or even the entire website. Aroma also maintains the right to refuse access to said website or parts of it to a specific user or any user based on certain geographical zones, and in any case, all at its sole consideration and without any prior notice.
  3. Any aforementioned change will be valid immediately upon its publication on the website. The user will have no claim towards Aroma regarding said change.
  4. The website might contain links to other companies’ websites. These links serve only as a service for our users. The information displayed on those websites are under the control of the companies, and is their responsibility alone. Aroma is not responsible for the integrity of said links.
  5. From time to time, the service may be stopped or its quality compromised for reasons beyond our control. We apologize for such disturbances, and will do our best to prevent them; however, we cannot be responsible for anything resulting from these events.
  6. Use of any end-equipment to use the website and the information within is the sole responsibility of the user. Aroma will not be held responsible for any damage of any kind caused in relation to use of the website, its contents and/or effects on the end-equipment, including software, hardware or any other equipment used to obtain it.

Nutritional Information

  1. Our website contains nutritional information regarding the products sold at the various Aroma branches.
  2. Most of our products are manufactured using fresh ingredients with shifting nutritional value and availability changes, depending on weather and seasonal conditions. We also constantly work to develop and improve our products, including changing ingredients and suppliers, thus the nutritional value and weight of our products as published on the website are representative values, and deviation in both weight and values may result from said changes.
  3. The aforementioned values refer to average portions of the dish in question. It should be stated regardless that changing the portion of the dishes, the baking in the in-branch ovens, preparing and serving could lead to a deviation of up to 20% in presented information and data. There may be a cholesterol difference in dishes containing eggs, according to the eggs’ content.
  4. As mentioned, the content on the website is meant for general and informative purposes only. Said website information is not meant to replace any dietary or medical consultation, and you should refer to a professional for such consultation. Said information on the website should thus not be seen as a medical or dietary recommendation. Any reliance on said information is the sole responsibility of the user.
  5. Defining the products as “light” or “diet” refers to the caloric value of the dish.
  6. Not every product, especially ones marked “diet”, are suited for all people, and there are some who have special requirements. We recommend you inspect the product components according to your medical and professional consultant as it pertains to your specific medical condition.
  7. Most of our dishes are prepared to order in the branch. There is therefore a risk of cross-allergen contamination. For this reason, all our products may contain various kinds of components and allergens.
  8. When it comes to our gluten-free products, the clients are given a choice whether to open the package or not. We emphasize that opening the products at the branch can expose them to allergenic materials, including the gluten in the branches’ kitchens.
  9. The data on the ice drinks are based on average weighing conducted at various branches on various dates. It is important to inform you that these products differ greatly compared to other products we hold due to a wide range of reasons, such as the type of machine and workload during purchasing.
  10. Some of our products contain nuts, almonds and peanuts. It is recommended to prevent kids under the age of 5 from consuming them.
  11. Changes to the product, compounds and content may be made without prior announcement. Values updated for the day of purchase can be received by e-mailing or calling the company (the contact details are on the website).

Help Wanted Ads

  1. Aroma is a franchise chain. Almost all branches are operated by independent concessionaires. Aroma is not the employer of said concessionaires or the employees at its branches.
  2. Franchise eligibility. Aroma will publish ‘help wanted’ ads from time to time. These ads offer open positions at Aroma chain concessionaires, as provided by them. Aroma wishes to clarify that the positions are offered by the concessionaires and are their sole responsibility. Aroma directs its concessionaires to uphold all legal requirements regarding employment, however it is not the employer of these employees and work conditions will be determined between the concessionaires and the employee, without the involvement of Aroma.
  3. In light of the fact that Aroma branches are operated by concessionaires, it is possible that work conditions and requirements will differ from one branch to another, or from one employee to another, in light of their skills and experience among other factors.
  4. Your applications will be transferred to the concessionaire seeking employees. Aroma or any of its concessionaires are not obligated to reply to those who have applied via the registration form. The branches’ concessionaires will reply to suitable applicants per their considerations, needs and the availability of positions at their branches.

Aroma Card and Gift Cards

  1. The use of said cards is also subject to specific Terms of Use, as presented on this website.
  2. The above-mentioned, in the chapter regarding Privacy and Databases, is also relevant for information provided in relation to the Aroma Cards and Gift Cards, and the amounts charged on them.
  3. Aroma uses an external company to activate said cards, including checking their balance. Aroma is not responsible for any damage done for malfunctions at said provider, any false information given by them, information they retain, or any other damage.

User Obligations

  1. The use of the website is subject to the terms in said agreement. By using the website, the user hereby agrees to the regulations in full, as well as their obligation to act according to the law.
  2. Without taking away from the above, the user is hereby obligated to avoid the following actions, as follows:
  3. Using the website for any illegal activity or in violation of any law;
  4. Using the website via an alias or while pretending to be someone else;
  5. Using the website for any commercial use, profit or publicity of any kind;
  6. Using the website for polling or raffles, chain e-mails or spam;
  7. Copying, duplicating, transcribing website content, directly or indirectly, including its designs or unique technology;
  8. Editing, changing, damaging, moving, or damaging the content of website design in any way;
  9. Damaging the website, its design, content and links in anyway, including but not limited to sending viruses or any information or software that might damage or
  10. cause harm to the website and/or its users and/or hinder the use of it, including but not limited to change, forgery or deletion of information;
  11. Using the content and designs on the website for any commercial use (such as selling, renting, distribution, etc.).
  12. The user will be responsible for any damage done and any result that might follow the violation of said Terms of Use and any law. A user who uses the website in violation of the Terms of Use or against the law will solely bear the consequences of their actions, including any direct and/or indirect damage that might be caused to Aroma, anyone on its behalf and any third party.
  13. Without detracting from any other right Aroma may hold – and with the user’s unequivocal agreement – should Aroma be concerned for any reason that the user is acting against regulation or law, Aroma will be entitled and permitted to trace their use, transfer the information to third parties, and take any reasonable action in order to prevent the recurrence of said violating activity and end it, thus protecting Aroma’s property, reputation and rights.
  14. Aroma will also be allowed to immediately terminate use of the website by users acting against said rules and regulations, by any law, without having to notify them in advance. Terminating their use does not mean the user is no longer responsible for their actions, and not terminating the use does not constitute consent to said actions. Additionally, violating the rules may lead to legal proceedings, whether by Aroma or any other qualified authority.
  15. The user is hereby obligated to compensate Aroma immediately, upon its request, for the entirety of damages and expenses incurred, including loss of profit and expenses.


  1. Aroma is making every effort to ensure that the data published on the website is correct, precise and updated. It is possible the data is incomplete or flawed. Mistakes on the website and the information published there, should they occur, are made in good faith, errors and omissions excepted. Furthermore, there is always the possibility that Aroma’s cybersecurity and information security system is not resistant enough to breaches or unauthorized access.
  2. The user is aware of online limitations regarding information security, and thus releases Aroma from any liability in this matter.
  3. The images and sketches published on the website are for illustrative and example purposes only; the content of the dishes, ingredients and serving may differ in reality.
  4. Nothing of what is said on the website serves as a recommendation or opinion or offer to purchase any product; anything mentioned in said article is not to increase the liability of Aroma, and does not take away from what is mentioned in said regulations.
  5. Therefore, use of the website is the sole responsibility of the user.
  6. Aroma is not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect or causal, caused to any user or third party of any kind by using the website, or by preventing them from using the website, for any cause, as a result of the information on the website, its effect on the user, or for any other reason. Without taking away from the generality of what has been mentioned, Aroma is not responsible for computer malfunction damages, application damages or the user’s equipment or any other property that might be damaged, for any reason, especially during using the website or downloading any information off it.
  7. For the purposes of said article, Aroma refers to the member of the Aroma cluster of companies, its shareholders, directors, position-holders, management personnel, concessionaires, branch employees and anyone acting on its behalf or under Aroma’s authorization. This order will be interpreted by the expanding party to Aroma’s benefit.

Privacy and Databases

  1. Providing details and any other information via the ‘Contact us’ boxes on the website serves as an agreement by the user to allow Aroma to make use of said data to provide its services, including holding and storing the data.
  2. These details might be given to a third party, as Aroma may be obligated to do so according to law or by any authority, as well as in the event of legal action against Aroma.
  3. Providing personal information and other data, as mentioned, serves as an agreement to be included in Aroma’s databases, as Aroma will see fit to manage said databases. The databases will serve Aroma and other companies in the Aroma Group, or be linked to them through various projects, according to its consideration, without having to receive any further consent from the user.
  4. It is possible the website will produce and hold information regarding its users, among other things by using ‘cookies’; should this occur, it will be for the sake of providing the user with offers and services that might interest them, monitoring website use habits, data use and favorite dishes. Should we do so in the future, producing such information will be used to offer the user various suggestions for instance that might interest them, as well as for monitoring, segmentation, management and improving the user experience on the website and the chain’s products. In any case, should we do so, we will update our Privacy Policy accordingly.
  5. In addition to the aforementioned, Aroma will be allowed to use the data for analysis purposes and providing other parties with statistical information used for data-mining, trend identification and other such commercial purposes.
  6. Aroma will be allowed to transfer any detail it may receive regarding a franchise candidate, job search applications, and other such applications to related entities, including those outside Israel.


  1. The copyright and intellectual property or any other right to the website, its design and code, photographs, pictures or any other information, of any kind, on the website (hence, “the information”) are the sole property of Aroma or other third parties that have allowed Aroma to publish said copyrighted information on the website.
  2. The website users are therefore obligated not to publish, distribute, copy, broadcast, present, duplicate, make any commercial use of, copy, change, distort or damage information included on the website or part of it, without the written and explicit consent of Aroma, as well as to not use this information, or parts of it, against what is written in the copyright laws and in international treaties regarding copyright. Aroma is allowed to condition its agreement and even refuse it completely, at its sole consideration.
  3. The Aroma trademarks, registered marks and any other mark identified with it and/or belonging to it and/or to any of the companies in the Aroma Group (whether marked or not) are the sole property of Aroma, and its use allowed for Aroma and/or by Aroma’s explicit authorization. The placing of Aroma’s markings on the website does not constitute any authorization for the users to use the website and/or damage the intellectual properties of Aroma’s trademark and/or brands. These marks should not be used in any event, including copying or creating duplicates of them for any purpose without the written and explicit consent of Aroma.


  1. The use of the regulations and the website is written in this manner for convenience purposes only but refers to all genders.
  2. The terms ‘use of the website’ or ‘user’ refers to anyone surfing, watching or using the website, and all or some of the information on it in any way; ‘Aroma’ means Shefa Concessionaires Ltd., C.N. 513356824 of 7 HaSolela Street, Western Industrial Zone, Beit Shemesh; ‘the chain’ means Aroma, its branches, concessionaires, employees and managers.
  3. Aroma is allowed to assign its rights to any third party according to said regulations, as it sees fit, and without any obligation on its part to publish said assignment, as mentioned, anywhere.
  4. These regulations sum up the relationship between Aroma and its website users, and transmission via the website does not constitute any contact between the user and Aroma that go beyond what is detailed in said regulations.
  5. These regulations and the website are subject to the laws of the State of Israel only. Sole jurisdiction falls to the certified courts of the Jerusalem region.
  6. Should any Terms of Use be deemed invalid or unenforceable, this will not be seen as damaging the validity of the rest of said regulations’ conditions.
